Laura Burocco is a researcher in urban cultural policies and development. Postdoctoral fellow in Visual History and Theory at the Center for Humanities Research of the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town, South Africa. She holds a postdoctoral in Visual Languages at the School of Arts PPGAV-UFRJ, a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture at the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with a semester as visiting researcher at WITS City Institute, University of Witwatersrand WITS, Johannesburg, and three months visiting at DASTU – Department of Urban Studies Polytechnic of Milan. She holds a Master in Built Environment-MBE Housing from the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, a postgraduate degree in Urban Sociology from UERJ, Rio de Janeiro State University, specializing in International Policies and Development from the University of Rome, and a law degree from the State University of Milano. She works as lecturer, researcher and curator in the areas of urban and cultural studies, within a decolonial theoretical approach.

Her research areas: cognitive capitalism and creative economy, urban policies and gentrification in the South, institutional critique and decolonial studies.