
Creative Economy and Gentrification from the South - Urban Futures Centre - Durban University of Technology, DUT’s UFC Seminar, Steve Biko Campus - DUT | Wednesday, 13th September 2017 (invited speaker)
The Trilogy Project: Johannesburg|Milano|Rio de Janeiro - DIVA TALK: The Wits School of Fine Arts, Appolonia Theatre, Thursday 24 August, (invited speaker)
Creative hubs of coloniality in the South - Center for Indian Studies in Africa – CISA Wits University, Lunch Seminar, 36 Jorissen Street, Johannesburg, 10 August, 2-4pm. [ presentation ]  (invited speaker)
Creative economy and the South: an opportunity for growing or a tool reinforcing segregation - Faces of the City Seminar, FoC First floor seminar room, John Moffat Building, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Tuesday 8 August 2017,  (invited speaker)
The meaning of "Global South" and the exercise of comparative imagination - School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, WITS, Thursday 3 August 2017,  (invited speaker)
The Darker Side of Modernity in an Illuminated Precinct Downtown Johannesburgartigo apresentado no seminário What does spatial transformation mean? Possibilities for a more equitable, liveable Johannesburg” organized by JIAS Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study – University of Johannesburg and Nanyang Technological University Singapore, (paper giver)

Distritos De Comuns Privilégios  SeminarEntremeios, Imaginação coletiva e vida comum” organized by ESDI Escola Superior de Design Industrial da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ, 9 dezembros 2016, (paper giver)


Os efeitos da nova economia criativa em relação ao contexto pré-existente da área portuária do Rio de Janeiro na mesa. Panel: 'Possible Contributions to the Housing Question in the City of Rio de Janeiro' part of the seminar:Minha Casa é Meu Porto,Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UERJ. Outubro 2015,  (invited speaker)


“People’s Place in Braamopoly, an urban regeneration Project in the inner city of Joburg”. Conferencia internacional “City Portraits: Johannesburg” Universidade IUAV de Venezia – Scuola di dottorato, 25.06. 2015, (paper giver)


“Trasformazioni urbane e processi di gentrificazione: Johannesburg/Braamfontein, RiodeJaneiro/PortoMaravilha, Milano/Isola”, Politecnico de Milano, 24.06. 2015.  (organizer / paper giver)


“L'approccio comparativo negli studi urbani globali: Johannesburg e Rio de Janeiro, due emergenti città del global South” (em italiano) Universidade de Torino – departamento de cultura e sociedade, 21.06, 2015  (invited speaker)

Megaeventos e Desenvolvimento Urbano : Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg e o sonho da cidade global, ( em Italian) "Mega Events and Urban Development: Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg and the dream of the global city" geography department of the Universidade of Catania - 12.06.2015,  (invited speaker)


Seminário Internacional Cidade em Transe Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro – MAMRIO. City in Transe internacional seminar intends to situate the theme of the city and presenting different "dialogues" established by selected artists in different cities,  with special attention to the city from Rio de Janeiro. Program. 6 and 7 of April 2016 ( organizer / curator )


Seminar Fronteiras: Corpo Próteses e Metrópoles Um século depois da Paris Tropical, Fundação Rui Barbosa, Rio de Janeiro, 11.12.2014 (paper giver)


O Lugar Dos ‘Não Criativos” Na Cidade Criativa. O Caso De Johannesburg, Africa Do Sul, Uma Emergente Cidade Global. Conference A Cidade Em Obras: Imaginar, Ocupar, Redesenhar, 3º Encontro de Pesquisadores dos Programas de Pós-graduação em Arte do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Centro Municipal de Arte Helio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro, de 26 a 28.11.2014 ( paper giver)


Wandering as a Political Exercise, em Curating the Afropolitan City, New Ethnographies of Johannesburg, WISER Wits University Johannesburg, Agosto 2014 ( paper giver )
Braamopoly, no espaço MEIO de Rio de Janeiro, Outubro 2013 9  (invited speaker)
People’s Place in the Inner City Regeneration Program of Johannesburg, an African World Class City, International Conference Colonial and Post Colonial Urban Planning in Africa, Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) University of Lisbon, Setembro 2013 ( paper giver)

People's Place in the World Class City: the case of Braamfontein's Inner City Regeneration Project,Face of the Cities Seminar, The Centre for Urbanism and Built Environment Studies (CUBES), Wits University Johannesburg, Março 2013  (invited speaker)


Hang out "Direito à cidade do aprendizado" parte do encontro global da United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), Quito outubro 2016. O eixo do tem a ver com educação expandida, conhecimento livre e o espaço público na era do comum. (invited speaker)
Dissidências Na Terça | Coletivo Mil Metros Cuadrados (Chile), mediator of the conversation with the MIL metros collective that works on the concept of occupation of temporary spaces. Casa Nuvem, Rio 15 December 2015. (invited speaker)
Quintas de Dissidências  | Uninomade Brasil e Casa Nuvem convidam : Moedas Alternativas e Novos Valores, mediator of the debate with Prof. Andrea Fumagalli (University of Pavia), Casa Nuvem, Rio de Janeiro, September 2015;
Insurgent Cartography   One-week intensive workshop that aims to map the insurgent forms of architecture and urbanism that are performed by the occupations in central São Paulo. Organised by Jeroen Stevens and Eliana Barbosa (University of Leuven, Belgium) inside the occupation Hotel Cambridge.  (invited speaker)